Slow Down and Unwind on National Relaxation Day

As a family, it is essential to take a moment to relax. Time seems to go by faster, the world seems crazier, and everyone seems busier, so it is no surprise many people experience burnout. People need time to reset themselves to make it far in life and put their best foot forward, which is why the whole family needs to relax. On August 15th, please take a deep breath, because it is your chance to stop and smell the roses by celebrating National Relaxation Day.
There are many ways you and your family can relax to keep your physical and mental health in check. It is just a matter of what works best for everyone in your family and what truly allows relaxation. For many families, it is merely kicking the feet up on the couch and watching their favorite show or movie, listening to music, reading a book, meditating, going on a nature walk, and more!
Take a break from your busy work and personal schedule. August 15th is the day you get to kick back and relax with the family.
What does your family plan to do to relax?