Choosing Daycare: Close to Home or Work?
Choosing a daycare is a difficult and important decision. There are many factors that go into selecting a high-quality school that provides the resources and support for your child to learn and succeed. From health and safety guidelines to teacher qualifications, curriculum, and family involvement, there is a lot to consider. New Horizon Academy has even put together a quality childcare checklist to assist your family in finding a high-quality program for your child.
While all these factors are important, the very first thing you must decide is where you want to start looking for daycare.
Parents commonly ask, “Should I find a daycare close to home or work?”. While there is no one-fits-all solution, here are a few ways to determine where daycare works best for your family!
Choosing Between Daycare Close to Home or Daycare Close to Work
Pros of Daycare Close to Home
- It is easier for parents to share the drop-off and pick-up responsibility if your family’s childcare is in a central location.
- If you forget something your child needs at school, it is much easier to run home and grab it.
- Children won’t have to spend as long of time in the car. This can be especially practical in the winter or when road conditions are poor.
- You will get more time to yourself on your drive to work.
- Drop-off and pick-up will be more convenient on days you don’t have to go to work. If you are taking a sick day, have an appointment, or are working from home, you will already be close to your daycare and will save driving time.
- If your work situation changes or you find a new job, you won’t have to search for a new daycare as well.
- You will be more likely to connect with other families who live near you. This can be convenient for when your child starts having playdates with friends at school.
Pros of Daycare Close to Work
- You can pick up your child quickly in the event of sicknesses or other emergencies.
- You can also pick up your child quickly at the end of the day and avoid late fees if work runs late.
- Your child will be at daycare for a shorter period of time. This is helpful for parents who work long hours.
- It is easier to visit your child during the day. This is helpful for moms that are still breastfeeding, or parents that just want to check in.
- School events are easier to attend.
- You will be able to spend more time with your child in the mornings and afternoons on your commutes.
- There are potential cost savings if your workplace offers on-site childcare for employees. Chick here to see where New Horizon Academy offers on-site childcare.
Other Factors to Consider
- Who is in charge of dropping off and picking up your child at childcare?
- How long is your commute to work?
- How often to you go in to work?
- Does your schedule coincide with the daycare hours of operation?
- Do you want to be able to get to your child as fast as possible when they need you?
- If you have other children at a different school, where is the daycare in proximity to their school?
- Do you prefer to have your daycare near places such as your child’s doctor, dentist, or any other after school commitments and activities?
- What is the difference in cost between daycare near your home and daycare near your work?
- Do you plan to move or get a different job anytime soon?
- Does your work offer any on-site childcare options?
Whether you choose a daycare near home or near work, make sure you’re deciding based on what works best for your family’s needs. As long as your child is enrolled in a safe, healthy, and nurturing learning environment, they will be able to learn, grow, and thrive, no matter where your daycare is located.
New Horizon Academy has many convenient daycare locations across Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, and Minnesota to fit your family’s childcare needs. Find a school near your home or work today!