Creative Birdfeeders

We will be making creative birdfeeders that are bird and earth friendly! We will use yarn or string in place of pipe cleaners so that birds may take it to use in their nests!
What You Need
- Craft sticks
- Glue sticks
- String or yarn
- Sticks collected from outside
- Bird seed and/or cereal
- Hot glue gun (with adult supervision)
- Scissors
- Square piece of cardboard (optional)
Birdfeeder #1
- Instructions: String cereal onto string or yarn. Tie the string to a stick for a perch for the birds. Hang in your favorite tree!
- Benefits: fine motor, counting, and patterns (if using two or more different kinds of cereal)
Birdfeeder #2
- Instructions: Layer the craft sticks in any shape you would like. We did a square, but you could try a triangle! Hot glue them together one by one. Be sure to hot glue a bottom on to hold the cereal or birdseed. You can use the craft sticks for this or a piece of cardboard. Tie the string to the sticks at the top of your feeder. Fill with cereal or birdseed and hang in your favorite tree!
- Benefits: fine motor, counting, patterns, color recognition (if using colorful craft sticks), and shape identification
Now that you’ve been inspired, use your imagination to design more birdfeeders!
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