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The Great Outdoors: Bird Watching Expedition

Preschool child looking through binoculars watching for birds

Birds are interesting animals to watch, and it is fun to learn how to identify them. Here are a few ideas to help you start your own bird watching expedition!


Download Binocular Instructions

  • Optional: Bird Watching for Kids: Bite-sized Learning and Backyard Projects by George H. Harrison (This is a wonderful beginner guide to bird watching and it contains QR Codes, so you can listen to the sounds of different types of birds on your phone.)


  1. Head to your backyard, neighborhood, or local park and look for birds.
  2. Bring the New Horizon Academy Bird Watching Journal to document various types of birds.
    – What do you notice about the way the birds move?
    – What sounds do you hear?
    – How many birds did you see?
  3. Using your journal, sketch pad, or paper, draw pictures of the birds you see.
  4. Go bird watching again!

Download Materials and Directions

Download Bird Watching Journal


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