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Our Mission

To open “New Horizons” of self-esteem and potential for the little people entrusted to our care, their families, and our employees by providing and continuously improving the best child development on the planet!

Our History


We continue to thrive as one of the nation’s most successful and respected child care providers with 100 schools in Minnesota, Idaho, Iowa, Colorado, and Kansas. Now, 100 percent of our eligible schools have earned accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Most Admired CEO

“We provide the best possible learning environment for children during their most formative years.” - Chad Dunkley, Chief Executive Officer


We made a commitment to Partnership for a Healthier America, and we are the pioneer in creating a farm-to-table program for early childhood programs.

We integrate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) into to our curriculum.

Our Vision

We strive to provide the best early childhood experiences for young children, building their confidence so they can become capable and resilient lifelong learners. But beyond our classrooms, we care about all children. We work diligently to ensure all children have access to high quality early learning experiences in their most critical time of brain development.

Our Core Values

Our core values at New Horizon Academy

Our Story

New Horizon Academy, a Minnesota family-owned and operated childcare company, has been serving young children since 1971. Our founder, Sue Dunkley, began her career as an elementary school teacher. Sue knew she needed to provide a nurturing place for children to go before they ventured out into the big world and entered school, a place that would help them believe in themselves. That is why New Horizon was born.

Today, Chad Dunkley, Sue’s son and one of New Horizon Academy’s first students, is our Chief Executive Officer. Chad ensures that the commitment to excellence Sue strived for in New Horizon’s early years and the foundation that our company was built upon continue to be the cornerstone for each New Horizon Academy. Indeed, the entire mission, philosophy, and practices of New Horizon Academy are devoted to that commitment to excellence and the development of a healthy sense of self in every child enrolled in our programs.

Because of our continuing love, belief, and dedication to children, we have flourished and become one of the nation’s most successful and respected providers of childcare and early education.

As New Horizon Academy continues to grow and serve more families each year, we will always have family roots, a warm atmosphere, an open door, and a commitment to excellence.

Our Family Welcomes Your Family

The entire mission, philosophy, and practices of New Horizon Academy are devoted to a commitment to excellence and the development of a healthy sense of self in every child enrolled in our early education and child care programs.

Our family is delighted to welcome your family to New Horizon Academy. Childhood may only last a short while, but we know that while with us, your family will gain many happy memories that will last a lifetime.

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