5 Ways To Teach Kids To Be Thankful

Thankfulness is not a fixed trait that every child is born with. It is something that needs to be taught and learned, cultivated and nurtured. Because Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we are grateful for, this season is a wonderful time to teach your children to be thankful as well.
Here are five tips on how to instill thankfulness in your children:
Be Grateful Parents
As much as we may not want to admit, children are watching and learning from their parents 24/7. Say “thank you,” and express your gratitude frequently, and your children will learn to do the same.
Teach Your Children To Earn Things
As a parent, you do not always have to give your children everything they want. If there is something new that your child “just has to have,” work together, come up with a plan, and have your child help with some things around the house to earn what they want.
Expose Your Children to Reality
With so much going on in today’s world, it is no wonder why parents want to keep their children sheltered and “in a bubble” forever. But showing children that not all people are as fortunate will help them to be thankful and appreciate the things that they have.
Teach Your Children To Serve Others
Children who spend time helping others will begin to recognize what gratitude looks like. Give your children an opportunity to pitch in, give back, and support the community around the holidays, or any time of year. There are so many local and national organizations looking for help, and any contribution, big or small, helps.
Share Your Gratitude Out Loud (and Often!)
Thanksgiving is, of course, a perfect time to share what we are thankful for, but make this something you practice all year ‘round, too. Play The Gratitude Game to express a variety of things you are thankful for. It is heartwarming and makes you realize all of the things, big and small, that make you and your loved ones grateful.