4 Simple Writing Activities for Preschoolers

Make Your Own Writing Tray
- Write or type letter or words for your child.
- Fill a baking sheet or baking pan with a thin layer of a sensory material (sand, salt, flour, glitter, sprinkles, etc.)
- Have children use a stick or their finger to write the letters/words.
Q-Tip Writing
- Write or type a letter, words, or your child’s name in a large font.
- Pour paint into a cup or dish or take out a stamp pad and have children use a Q-Tip to trace the letters.
Squishy Bag Writing
- Write or type letters or words for your child.
- Fill a gallon bag with shaving cream, gel, or some other thick liquid, let all the air out, and seal the bag.
- Have children use their finger or a Q-Tip to write the letters or words on the outside of the bag.
Play Dough Writing
- Write or type a letter, words, or your child’s name in a large font.
- Have children mold the play dough into lines or shapes to trace the letters.